Working Together

Better. Smarter. Efficient.

The term "Collaboration" is almost becoming one of those over-used marketing terms; however, it is the epitome of who we are. Simply put, collaboration means "working together to achieve or do something." In today's healthcare environment, the way physicians, patients, insurance carriers and employers connect and function, in a highly regulated industry, can be very complicated, cumbersome and costly. At Collaborative Health Partners (CHP), we look for ways to connect patients, services, technology and providers, so employers and employees get the most out of their healthcare cost.

Our Health Partners are a clinically integrated network consisting of physicians from various healthcare categories, including primary care, physical therapy and specialty care. Collaborative Health is led by PHYSICIANS, who are committed to maximizing the value of healthcare services provided to patients throughout the Central and Southern Virginia area. Collaborative Health believes that creating value for healthcare consumers requires physicians to provide high-quality healthcare services to patients in the most cost-effective manner.

Collaborative Health of Central Virginia collaboration efforts for patients or employees health

Improving Performance

All of our participating physician members are actively engaged in ongoing efforts to continuously improve CHP’s performance in regards to the following goals:

  • Practicing and furthering the development of evidence-based medicine
  • Providing appropriate preventative care, screening, and disease management services
  • Coordinating patient care across providers and care settings
  • Delivering healthcare services in a way that address patients' healthcare issues and their personal preferences
  • Embracing technology to enable optimal patient care

A Vast Network of Providers

Collaborative Health brings together a large network of Primary Care Providers, Immediate Care Professionals, Physical Therapists, Diagnostic and Lab Professionals, Radiologists and other healthcare resources. From Internal Medicine to Primary Care, our team of physicians is dedicated to providing personal, quality service to each patient.
CVFP Diagnostics
Rehab Associates
CHP Pediatrics
CVFP Specialty Services

Become a Collaborative Health Provider

We are constantly evolving to provide more specialists in a wider variety of services.